API Docs/Draft

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This article is a draft.
It may not document its topic accurately yet. You can discuss it and suggest improvements on Discord or Matrix.
This article is outdated.
It has not been updated to reflect any new changes since 31 March 2022. You can help by editing this page. Information that needs to be changed: include changes from API Docs.

If you end up using the API, I'd love to know about how you're using it. Tell me about it by making a GitHub issue or emailing me :)

The API and database follow this license unless you have explicit permission. Attribution Template

Public API available at https://sponsor.ajay.app.

While this is a free unlimited use API, please don't abuse it. I have limited resources.

Database download: https://sponsor.ajay.app/database

Libraries: Node.js, Python, Rust

Online Database Explorer (By Lartza): https://sb.ltn.fi/

Database Mirror (10 min update time, provided by Lartza): https://sb.ltn.fi/database/

Database Dump | Webhook Docs | OpenAPI Docs

GET /api/skipSegments

Get segments for a video.

Input (URL Parameters):

  videoID: string,
  category: string, // Optional, defaults to "sponsor", can be repeated for multiple categories. [1]
  // OR
  categories: string[], // Optional [1]

  requiredSegment: string, // Segment UUID to require to be retrieved, even if they don't meet the minimum vote threshold. Can be repeated for multiple segments.
  // OR
  requiredSegments: string[], // Optional, array of required segment UUIDs

  actionType: string // Optional, default skip. Can be repeated for multiple types. [3]
  // OR  
  actionTypes: string[] // Optional, array of action types

  service: string, // Optional, default is 'YouTube' [2]

References: [1] [2] [3]


[{ // Array of this object
   segment: float[], //[0, 15.23] start and end time in seconds
   UUID: string,
   category: string,
   videoDuration: float // Duration of video when submission occurred (to be used to determine when a submission is out of date). 0 when unknown. +- 1 second
   actionType: string // actionType [3]
   userID: string, // public userID of submitter
   locked: int, // if submission is locked
   votes: int, // Votes on segment
   description: string, // unused

Error codes:

400: Bad Request (Your inputs are wrong/impossible)

404: Not Found

GET /api/skipSegments/:sha256HashPrefix

Get segments for a video with extra privacy

sha256HashPrefix is a hash of the YouTube videoID. It should be the first 4 - 32 characters (4 is recommended). This provides extra privacy by potentially finding more than just the video you are looking for since the server will not know exactly what video you are looking for.

Input (URL Parameters):

  prefix: string, // Can be used instead of path

  category: string, // Optional, defaults to "sponsor", can be repeated for multiple categories. [1]
  // OR
  categories: string[], // Optional, array of categories [1]

  requiredSegment: string, // Segment UUID to require to be retrieved, even if they don't meet the minimum vote threshold. Can be repeated for multiple segments.
  // OR
  requiredSegments: string[], // Optional, array of required segment UUIDs

  actionType: string // Optional, default skip. Can be repeated for multiple types. [3]
  // OR  
  actionTypes: string[] // Optional, array of action types [3]

  service: string // Optional, default is 'YouTube'. [2]

References: [1] [2] [3]


[{ // Array of this object
   videoID: string,
   hash: string, // Full hash of the videoID
   segments: [{ // Array of this object
       segment: float[], // [0, 15.23] start and end time in seconds
       UUID: string,
       category: string, [1]
       actionType: string, // [1]
       locked: int, // if segment is locked
       votes: int, // votes on segment
       videoDuration: int, // Duration of video when submissions occurred
       userID: string, // Public userID of submitter
       description: string // unused

Error codes:

400: Bad Request (Your inputs are wrong/impossible)

404: Not Found

POST /api/skipSegments

Create a segment on a video

Input (URL Parameters):

  videoID: string,
  startTime: float,
  endTime: float,
  category: string, // [1]
  userID: string, // This should be a randomly generated UUID stored locally (not the public one)
  userAgent: string, // "Name of Client/Version" or "[BOT] Name of Bot/Version" ex. "Chromium/1.0.0"
  service: string, // Optional, default is 'YouTube'. [2]
  videoDuration: float, // Optional, duration of video, will attempt to retrieve from the YouTube API if missing (to be used to determine when a submission is out of date)
  actionType: string // Optional, default is "skip". [3]

References: [1] [2] [3]


Input (JSON Body):

  videoID: string,
  userID: string, // This should be a randomly generated UUID stored locally (not the public one)
  userAgent: string, // "Name of Client/Version" or "[BOT] Name of Bot/Version" ex. "Chromium/1.0.0"
  service: string, // Optional, default is 'YouTube'.[2]
  videoDuration: float, // Optional, duration of video, will attempt to retrieve from the YouTube API if missing (to be used to determine when a submission is out of date)

  segments: [{ // Array of this object
     segment: float[], // [0, 15.23] start and end time in seconds
     category: string, // [1]
     actionType: string // Optional, defaults to "skip". [3]

References: [1] [2] [3]


{ // array of this object
  UUID: string, // UUID of submitted segment
  category: string, // submitted category [1]
  segment: float[] // start and end time of submitted segment

Error codes:

400: Bad Request (Your inputs are wrong/impossible)

403: Rejected by auto moderator (Reason will be sent in the response)

429: Rate Limit (Too many for the same user or IP)

409: Duplicate

POST /api/voteOnSponsorTime

Vote on a segment or vote to change the category of the segment.

Creators of the segment and VIPs can remove the segment or change the category with only one vote.

VIP voting notes

VIP upvotes will:

  • lock the segment
  • remove "hidden" property
  • remove "shadowHidden" property

Input: Normal Vote (URL Parameters):

  UUID: string, // UUID of the segment being voted on
  userID: string, // Local userID
  type: int // 0 for downvote, 1 for upvote, 20 to undo vote


Input: Category Vote (URL Parameters):

  UUID: string, // UUID of the segment being voted on
  userID: string, // Local userID
  category: string // Category to change this submission to [1]

References: [1]


  Nothing (status code 200)

Error codes:

400: Bad Request (Your inputs are wrong/impossible)

403: Reason given in request (moderation)

POST /api/viewedVideoSponsorTime

Add view to segment

Input (URL Parameters):

  UUID: string // UUID of segment viewed


  Nothing (status code 200)

Error codes:

400: Bad Request (Your inputs are wrong/impossible)

GET /api/userInfo

Get information about a user

Input (URL Parameters):

  userID: string // local UserID
  // OR
  publicUserID: string // Public userID

  values: string[] // Optional, Values to get from userInfo
    // default values are
    // ["userID", "userName", "minutesSaved", "segmentCount", "ignoredSegmentCount",
    // "viewCount", "ignoredViewCount", "warnings", "warningReason", "reputation",
    // "vip", "lastSegmentID"]
  // OR
  value: string // Optional, Value to get from userInfo, can be repeated for multiple values


  userID: string, // Public userID
  userName: string, // Public userID if not set
  minutesSaved: float, // Minutes saved
  segmentCount: int, // Total number of segments excluding ignored/ hidden segments
  ignoredSegmentCount: int, // Total number of ignored/ hidden segments
  viewCount: int, // Total number of views excluding view on ignored/ hidden segments
  ignoredViewCount: int, // Total number of view on ignored/ hidden segments
  warnings: int, // Currently enabled warnings
  reputation: float, 
  vip: int, // VIP status
  lastSegmentID: string // UUID of last submitted segment

Error codes:

400: Bad Request (Your inputs are wrong/impossible)

GET /api/userStats

Get stats for a user

Input (URL Parameters):

  userID: string // local UserID
  // OR
  publicUserID: string // Public userID

  fetchCategoryStats: boolean // default false, display category stats
  fetchActionTypeStats: boolean // default false, display type stats


  userID: string // hashed userID
  userName: string // userName
  overallStats: {
    minutesSaved: integer // same as userInfo
    segmentCount: integer // same as userInfo
  categoryCount: { // # of segments per category
    sponsor: integer
    intro: integer
    outro: integer
    interaction: integer
    selfpromo: integer
    music_offtopic: integer
    preview: integer
    poi_highlight: integer
    filler: integer,
    exclusive_access: integer
  actionTypeCount: { // # of segments per type
    skip: integer,
    mute: integer,
    full: integer,
    poi: integer

Error codes:

400: Bad Request (Your inputs are wrong/impossible)

GET /api/getViewsForUser

Get the number of views a user has on all their segments

Input (URL Parameters):

  userID: string // Local userID


  viewCount: int

Error codes:

404: Not Found

GET /api/getSavedTimeForUser

Get the total time saved from all the user's segments

Input (URL Parameters):

  userID: string // Local userID


  timeSaved: float // In minutes

Error codes:

404: Not Found

POST /api/setUsername

Set a username for a userID

Input (URL Parameters): Setting username for self

  userID: string, // Local userID
  username: string, // Optional


Input (URL Parameters): Setting username as admin

  userID: string, // Public userID
  username: string, // Optional
  adminUserID: string // Admin's local userID


  Nothing (status code 200)

Error codes:

400: Bad Request (Your inputs are wrong/impossible)

403: Unauthorized (You are not an admin)

GET /api/getUsername

Get current username

Input (URL Parameters):

  userID: string // Local userID


  userName: string // Public userID if no username has been set

Error codes:

400: Bad Request (Your inputs are wrong/impossible)

GET /api/segmentInfo

Get information about segments

Input (URL Parameters):

  // Only the first 10 entries will be processed
  UUID: string, // Can be repeated for multiple segments
  // OR
  UUIDs: string[] // Looks like ["a...0", "b...1"]


[{ // Array of this object
  videoID: string,
  startTime: float,
  endTime: float,
  votes: int,
  locked: int, // Status of lock - If upvoted by a VIP, the segment is locked
  UUID: string,
  userID: string, // PublicID of submitter
  timeSubmitted: int,
  views: int, // Number of reported views on the segment
  category: string, // [1]
  service: string, // [2]
  videoDuration: int,
  hidden: int, // If the segment has 2 downvotes or was downvoted by a VIP
  reputation: int, // Reputation of submitter at time of submission
  shadowHidden: int, // If the submitter is shadowbanned
  userAgent: string // userAgent of the submitter,
  actionType: string // [3]

References: [1] [2] [3]

Error codes:

400: Bad Request (Your inputs are wrong/impossible)

404: Not Found

GET /api/userID

List all users matching the username search

Input (URL Parameters):

  username: string, // search string for username
    // case sensitive
    // minimum for non-exact search is 3 characters, maximum is 64 characters
  exact: boolean // searches for exact username with no wildcard at end


[{ // Array of this object - maximum 10 results
  userName: string,
  userID: string

Error codes:

400: Bad Request (Your inputs are wrong/impossible) or exceed the character limits

404: Not Found

GET /api/lockCategories

Get locked categories for a video

Input (URL Parameters):

  videoID: string,
  actionTypes: string[] // [3]
    // default [skip, mute]


  categories: string[], // [1]
  reason: string, // Specified reason for the lock
    // Only the most recent reason will be returned
  actionTypes: string[] // [3]

References: [1] [3]

Error codes:

400: Bad Request (Your inputs are wrong/impossible)

404: Not Found

GET /api/lockCategories/:sha256HashPrefix

Get locked categories for a video with extra privacy

sha256HashPrefix is a hash of the YouTube videoID. It should be the first 4 - 32 characters (4 is recommended). This provides extra privacy by potentially finding more than just the video you are looking for. This makes the server not know exactly what video you are looking for.

Input (URL Parameters):

  prefix: sha256HashPrefix // Optional if not sent through path


[{ // Array of this object
   videoID: string,
   hash: string, // The full hash of the videoID
   categories": string[], // [1]
   reason: string // Specified reason for the lock

References: [1]

Error codes:

400: Bad Request (Your inputs are wrong/impossible)

404: Not Found

GET /api/lockReason

Get reason for lock(s)

Input (URL Parameters):

  videoID: string
  // Categories to get reasons for, defaults to all [1]
  category: string
  // OR
  categories: string[],
  actionTypes: string[] // [3]

References: [1] [3]


[{ // Array of this object
  category: string, // category [1]
  locked: integer, // status of lock
  reason: string, // reason for lock
  userID: string, // publicID of locking VIP
  userName: string // username of locking VIP

Error codes:

400: Bad Request (Your inputs are wrong/impossible)

GET /api/searchSegments

Get all segments of a video based on specified filters. Note: It is suggested that you don't use this for knowing which segments to skip on your client, as thresholds and values that determine which segments are the best change over time. Using /api/skipSegments ensures that you will always get the best segments.

Input (URL Parameters) OR (JSON Body):

  // See skipSegments
  videoID: string

  category: string // [1]
  // OR
  categories: string[]

  actionType: string // [3]
  // OR
  actionTypes: string[]
  service: string // [2]
  // End SkipSegments

  page: int // Page to start from (default 0)
  // Vote/ view thresholds, inclusive, default includes all segments
  minVotes: int
  maxVotes: int

  minViews: int
  maxViews: int

  // Default true - if false, don't show segments that match type
  locked: boolean
  hidden: boolean
  ignored: boolean // hidden or below vote threshold

References: [1] [2] [3]


  segmentCount: int, // Total number of segments matching query
  page: int, // Page number
  segments: [{ // Array of this object, max 10
    // see segmentInfo
    UUID: string,
    timeSubmitted: int,
    startTime: int,
    endTime: int,
    category: int, // [1]
    actionType: int, // [3]
    votes: int,
    views: int,
    locked: int,
    hidden: int,
    shadowHidden: int,
    userID: string, // UUID of submitter

References: [1] [3]

Error codes:

400: Bad Request (Your inputs are wrong/impossible)

404: Not Found

GET /api/status/:value

Get status of server

Input: (URL path)

Can be any key value in response, requests without path will return all values.


  uptime: int, // Uptime of server in seconds
  commit: string, // Full SHA hash of latest git commit, development or test
  db: int, // Current database version
  startTime: int, // Unix time that request was received
  processTime: int, // Seconds between startTime and sending response
  loadavg: int[], // 5 and 15 minute loadavg
  statusRequests: int // number of /status requests in the last minute

Error codes:

404: Not Found

GET /api/videoLabels

Get full-video labels for a video.

Input (URL Parameters):

  videoID: string,
  service: string, // Optional, default is 'YouTube' [2]

References: [2]


[{ // Array of this object
   segment: float[], // [0, 0] start and end time in seconds, always 0 and 0
   UUID: string,
   category: string [1],
   videoDuration: float // Duration of video when submission occurred (to be used to determine when a submission is out of date). 0 when unknown. +- 1 second
   actionType: full // will always be actionType full
   userID: string, // public userID of submitter
   locked: int, // if submission is locked
   votes: int, // Votes on segment
   description: string, // unused

References: [1]

Error codes:

400: Bad Request (Your inputs are wrong/impossible)

404: Not Found

GET /api/videoLabels/:sha256HashPrefix

Get full-video labels for a video with extra privacy

sha256HashPrefix is a hash of the YouTube videoID. It should be the first 4 - 32 characters (4 is recommended). This provides extra privacy by potentially finding more than just the video you are looking for since the server will not know exactly what video you are looking for.

Input (URL Parameters):

  prefix: string, // Can be used instead of path
  service: string // Optional, default is 'YouTube'. [2]

References: [2]


[{ // Array of this object
   videoID: string,
   hash: string, // Full hash of the videoID
   segments: [{ // Array of this object
       segment: float[], // [0, 0] start and end time in seconds, always 0, 0
       UUID: string,
       category: string, [1]
       actionType: full, // always actionType full
       locked: int, // if segment is locked
       votes: int, // votes on segment
       videoDuration: int, // Duration of video when submissions occurred
       userID: string, // Public userID of submitter
       description: string // unused

References: [1]

Error codes:

400: Bad Request (Your inputs are wrong/impossible)

404: Not Found

Stats Calls

GET /api/getTopUsers

Get top submitters

Input (URL Parameters):

  sortType: int
    // 0 for by minutes saved
    // 1 for by view count
    // 2 for by total submissions


  userNames: string[],
  viewCounts: int[],
  totalSubmissions: int[],
  minutesSaved: float[]

Error codes:

400: Bad Request (Your inputs are wrong/impossible)

GET /api/getTopCategoryUsers

Get top submitters by category

Input (URL Parameters):

  sortType: int,
    // 0 for by minutes saved
    // 1 for by view count
    // 2 for by total submissions
  category: string // category to fetch stats for


  userNames: string[],
  viewCounts: int[],
  totalSubmissions: int[],
  minutesSaved: float[]

Error codes:

400: Bad Request (Your inputs are wrong/impossible)

GET /api/getTotalStats

Get total stats

Input (URL Parameters):

  countContributingUsers: boolean // Optional, default false


  userCount: int, // Only if countContributingUsers was true
  activeUsers: int, // Sum of public install stats from Chrome webstore and Firefox addons store
  apiUsers: int, // 48-hour active API users (https://github.com/ajayyy/PrivacyUserCount)
  viewCount: int,
  totalSubmissions: int,
  minutesSaved: float

Error codes:


GET /api/getDaysSavedFormatted

Get days saved by all skips




  daysSaved: float (2 decimal places)

Error codes:


VIP Calls

These can only be called by the users added to the VIP table.

GET /api/isUserVIP

If the user is a VIP

Input (URL Parameters):

  userID: string, // Local userID


  hashedUserID: string, // Public userID
  vip: boolean

Error codes:

400: Bad Request (Your inputs are wrong/impossible)

POST /api/lockCategories

Create a category lock on the video, disallowing further submissions for that category

Input (Request Body):

  videoID: string,
  userID: string, // Local userID
  categories: string[], // [1]
  actionTypes: string[], // [3]
  reason: string, // Reason for lock

References: [1] [3]


  submitted: string, // categories
  submittedValues: {
    actionType: actionType,
    category: category
  } // array of this object

Error codes:

400: Bad Request (Your inputs are wrong/impossible)

403: Unauthorized (You are not a VIP)

DELETE /api/lockCategories

Delete existing category locks on that video

Input (Request Body):

  videoID: string,
  userID: string, // Local userID
  categories: string[] // [1]

References: [1]


  message: "Removed lock categories entrys for video videoID"

Error codes:

400: Bad Request (Your inputs are wrong/impossible)

403: Unauthorized (You are not a VIP)

POST /api/shadowBanUser

Shadow banned submissions are hidden for everyone but the IP that originally submitted it. Shadow banning a user shadow bans all future submissions.

User can be re-shadowbanned if segments were not previously hidden

Input (URL Parameters):

  userID: string, // Public userID of the user you want to shadowBan
  adminUserID: string, // Local userID of VIP or Admin
  enabled: boolean, // Optional, default true, enable or disable ban
  unHideOldSubmissions: boolean, // Optional, should all previous submissions be banned as well?
  categories: string // Optional, defaults to all categories, in the format "["sponsor", "selfpromo"]" etc...


  Nothing (status code 200)

Error codes:

400: Bad Request (Your inputs are wrong/impossible)

403: Unauthorized (You are not a VIP)

409: Duplicate (User already shadowbanned & unHideOldSubmissions not changed)

POST /api/warnUser

Temporary ban that shows a warning asking them to contact us.

If a user is re-warned but there is still a non-expired warning, it is reenabled

Input (Request Body):

  issuerUserID: string, // Issuer userID (Local userID)
  userID: string, // Public userID you are warning
  enabled: boolean // Optional, default true


  Nothing (status code 200)

Error codes:

400: Bad Request (Your inputs are wrong/impossible)

403: Unauthorized (You are not a VIP)

409: User already warned

POST /api/clearCache

Clear redis cache for video.

Input (Request Body):

  userID: string, // Local userID
  videoID: string


  Cache cleared on video videoID (status code 200)

Error codes:

400: Bad Request (Your inputs are wrong/impossible)

403: Unauthorized (You are not a VIP)

POST /api/purgeAllSegments

Hide all segments on a video without affecting submitters' reputation

Input (Request Body):

  userID: string, // Local userID
  videoID: string,
  service: string // Service of video, defaults to YouTube


  Nothing (status code 200)

Error codes:

400: Bad Request (Your inputs are wrong/impossible)

403: Unauthorized (You are not a VIP)

POST /api/segmentShift

Shift all segments on a video

Input (Request Body):

  videoID: string,
  userID: string, // Local userID
  startTime: float,
  endTime: float


  Nothing (status code 200)

Error codes:

400: Bad Request (Your inputs are wrong/impossible)

403: Unauthorized (You are not a VIP)

POST /api/addUserAsTempVIP

Add temporary 24 Hour Channel VIP

A user cannot be a VIP of multiple channels, the most recent channel will take precedence and override

Input (Request Body):

  userID: string, // User to grant temp VIP to
  adminUserID: string, // Local userID of existing VIP
  channelVideoID: string, // videoID of channel to grant VIP on
  enabled: string // default "true" Enable or disable VIP status


  Temp VIP added on channel channelName (status code 200)
  Temp VIP removed (status code 200)

Error codes:

400: Bad Request (Your inputs are wrong/impossible)

403: Unauthorized (You are not a VIP)

404: Not Found (No channel found for videoID)

409: Duplicate (User is already a permanent VIP)

Admin Calls

These can only be called by the server administrator, set in the config.

POST /api/addUserAsVIP

VIPs have extra privileges and their votes count more.

Input (Request Body):

  userID: string, // Public userID of the user you want to add to the VIP list
  adminUserID: string, // Admin's local userID
  enabled: boolean // Optional, to be able to add and remove users


  Nothing (status code 200)

Error codes:

400: Bad Request (Your inputs are wrong/impossible)

403: Unauthorized (You are not an admin)

Legacy API


Local userID vs Public userID

The local userID should be a randomly generated and saved client side and must be 32 characters (or more). If it is not 32 characters or more, you will not be able to vote or submit. The public userID is what is used as an identifier in the database. This is the local userID with a SHA 256 hash 5000 times.


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 See Types for full list of possible categories. To get multiple, create an array with the format ["sponsor", intro"].
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Service to get segments for. See Types for supported services
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 Action Types: See Types for possible values. Select multiple with the format ["skip","mute]