DeArrow/Casual mode
DeArrow is a browser extension for crowdsourcing better titles and thumbnails on YouTube.
There have been complaints in the past with people feeling like DeArrow title changes are sometimes unnecessary, or can ruin the fun. At the same time, there are many people who do like the more boring feel created from replacing as many titles as possible.
To try to improve the experience for everyone, DeArrow is now going to have two different modes. Classic mode will be just like it is today and will remain the default mode, but there will now also be a casual mode.
The goal with casual mode is to allow people to vote on which original titles they enjoy so that people who prefer not to see the boring titles can avoid them. However, for videos that really do need changes, DeArrow will still be able to replace the titles.


Click the paint brush button to the right of the title to open the casual mode voting menu

Then check off each category that applies to this title.
If you don't like the original title, you can vote "no", which acts like a downvote.
Category Selection

When you vote on if you liked an original title, you'll be able to select which categories it falls under. These categories allow you to choose which types of original titles you want to see.
In the video feed

On videos that show the original title due to casual mode, the dearrow logo will be replaced by the green casual mode logo on the right of the video. By default, this only appears when you hover the title of the video.
It will still format the title if you have a title formatter enabled. If you click the button once, it will show the original title. If you click it a second time, and there is a DeArrow custom title available, it will show that custom title. Clicking a third time will return back to the original casual mode state.
Potential future
When you enable casual mode, your titles will now be submitted as coming from someone with casual mode enabled. In the future, it might make sense for people with casual mode to have casual mode titles preferred over classic mode titles if both are available to truly make the DeArrow factions idea a reality.