Automating Submissions
Do NOT submit segments if there is an existing segment that is good. If you are found to be automating segment submissions, you will be warned and/or banned.
You can use timings provided from automated tools but you MUST manually review & preview them.
ML/ AI Segments
While there are multiple ML/ AI Projects based around SponsorBlock ( and, Automating submissions is strongly discouraged. While these models are accurate to the transcriptions, they are not trained to include frame buffers, transitions or segues and often include too much.
Repeating/ Consistent Timings
Personally, I have made segments for playlists and for channels and made similarly timed segments but the consistency and accuracy of "repeating" intros doesn't account for early fade-ins, interruptions or changes in styling over the year(s). 90% accuracy for 90% of videos isn't good enough.